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As a father Alimamy really wants the best future he can provide for his children. Making his living as a farmer in a small village community in the rural north of Sierra Leone is already quite demanding. His plan however is to help his kids to get an education. Despite his limited resources he embarks on an adventurous journey to bear the burden of development for a future generation.
Alimamy has lived with his family for generations in Rotifunk (Kasseh), a small village of roughly 150 residents. Like most people in Sierra Leone, he lives from agriculture. For example, he grows cassava, which he processes into so-called garie flour and then sells it. He is very proud of his “Kasseh Garie”. Since a few years there is a school in his village where his children are taught in primary and junior secondary school (grades 1-9). Here he is voluntarily engaged as a representative of the parents.
Director’s note
What image do we have of ‘Africa’? I am concerned that it may be very undifferentiated, focusing too much on living conditions. But Alimamy, our main protagonist, didn’t touch us so much because of the challenges he faces, but simply because of his commitment to his children’s future. With this film, we have tried to break away from the usual images of Africa and offer a personal insight into the lives of the generation doing the hard work of social and political change in an all too often forgotten part of the world.
Sierra Leone

Located in West Africa, Sierra Leone is rich in mineral resources and fertile land. After ten years of civil war, the economy experienced several years of growth from 2002 onwards. However, the outbreak of Ebola and the collapse of commodity prices (2015/2016) slowed down the positive development. The economy is mainly based on agriculture and the extraction of mineral resources.
Sierra Leone still faces major challenges, with high unemployment being a particular concern. About 60 percent of the working age population is unemployed or underemployed, mainly young people. Poor access to education and resources, as well as the lack of employment opportunities, are major obstacles to the country’s development. Sierra Leone still belongs to the group of least developed countries and ranks last in the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI).
Distribution & Licensing
Sigrid Gairing
+49 7141 969 82193
sigrid.gairing [at] filmakademie.de
Jonas Sticherling
+49 152 22581121
jonas.sticherling [at] filmakademie.de
+49 711 504 88 110
info [at] cinecore.de